This message is from: Genie Dethloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I recently bought a Myler bit for riding. I was using a KK Ultra double jointed snaffle with loose rings. Even though it was 5 3/4" it was not clearing Finnes fleshy lips and I worried that it pinched. I was tired of buying $70 -$100 HS bits that I couldn't use so I decided to try the Myler, especially because they have a trial program. If it didn't work, I could send it back minus $10 and shipping. I bought the wide barrel comfort snaffle with loose rings, partly because it came in 6". I wanted to keep to as gentle a bit as I could to make sure there isn't a fear or discomfort factor messing things up. I like the way the bit wraps around his lips so I know it isn't pinching. It took three rides to see a difference. Finne is more accepting of bit contact now. His stops are quicker, smoother and more engaged - I think he likes it! I did have to shorten his cheek pieces one hole on each side due to the way it curves back.

I was considering the new Herm Sprenger Dynamic RS which has the KK Ultra mouth piece but it is curved like the Myler, narrow like the Myler comfort snaffles and has an eggbut cheek. The down side is that it is about $110 and they are new so you can't find a used one yet - they only go up to a 5 3/4". I think the curved mouth pieces are nice for our guys with the thick tongues. If anyone tries one, let me know. The Mylers with the loose rings are the cheapest; I imagine adding butterfly cheeks is more expensive.

What did you use on Silas since you felt the KK  was too mild?

Does anybody add "emergency brakes" for trail riding like a side pull or draw reins? I haven't had any problems road riding but I have not trailered to a new place like a state park to go on a long ride. I thought about getting the same Myler mouth piece in a Kimberwick for trail riding, but I honestly don't have much experience with a curb chain. Anyone have any feedback on adding a curb for security? Do you use a second set of reins on the lower hook so that you can ride with a direct rein and no curb action unless you need it?
Genie Dethloff
Ann Arbor, Michigan

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