This message is from: "Chris McMahon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Elph is so muddy, so hairy, I could brush him all day and still he looks
like a fuzzy slipper.  Actually the mud seems to help pull off the hair
that is ready to come off.  Almost all of our snow is gone, the path
around the hayfield looks good, and the half mile long driveway is also
clear, so I am looking forward to doing the regular driving again.  The
indoor arena was really nice this winter, but it is so uplifting to
finally get outside.  I was able to a few weeks ago on a Sunday, then
that night/Monday morning we got hit with a foot of snow, then on the
Wednesday another seven inches or so.  So into the big muddy meltdown
I took the day off work and we have a riding lesson later this morning.
I have started taking yoga lessons, trying to "build the core" so that I
am able to be a better rider, I sure hope it works.  I have dreams of
being able to enter both the riding and driving classes at the big
meeting in October.  I have even joined the NFHR finally, about time.  I
figured since I have let my ADS membership slide this year (no shows
planned at all) and don't need to join the other one (USEF or whatever),
and have given up carriage club, I should get back to the roots and
finally join the Registry.  Looking forward to my first issue of the
Jean, just love Gunnar anyway, you know in his grumpy, Eeyore kind of
way he is happy, and just think if he were with someone who completely
gave up.  I'm sure he enjoys the attention you give him, even if he
doesn't let on.  I rode a horse for years, a very unfriendly guy, and
one day got just a little tired of his lack of response to me.  I had a
load of treats on me, and I went out into the paddock and all the other
horses crowded around.  He of course kept his distance.  So I walked
right toward and past him, and as I went by I used my best Mae West
voice and swagger and said "Hey Maxie, howsabout some treats!" and boy
if he didn't look startled and follow me!  So you never know.
Tish and Elph in Minneapolis

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