This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For those who are interested in saddle fitting a dressage saddle to a
fjord, I found that the used Laser saddle i had on trial works, and is a
"keeper"! The horses didn't complain, and my butt sure didn't either - it
was very comfortable and allowed a really colse leg contact, something my
Hubertus 38cm all purpose saddle doesn't excell in too well. I rode my WB
and 2 fjords w/ it yesterday, and today i rode in 2 dressage lessons w/
it, (on 2 different horses, 1/2 sibs Idelle + Imilie). It was really fun
doing some serious riding again, and the horses really pleased me alot as
we rode in an alien indoor barn, and neither of them had any indoor
experience. (Of couse) they were stars! We did a semi private lesson
first, and then I did a group lesson on Idelle, and we were singled out
numerous times to show correct examples of shoulder-in and half pass,
stuff we don't really practice alot, and yes my muscles were KILLING me,
but it was very gratifying to know a) I had trained my horses to be able
to listen ride comfortbly and corectly in a strange place,  and b) that I
hadn't totally "lost' it after oh, I'd say about 3 years w/o a proper

So, the Laser saddle works for moi, add it to the list!


Karen McCarthyGreat Basin Fjords :: Carson City, 

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