This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I read w/ interest what Beverly had to say about the Duett saddles (I
have always admired them), and when I was surfin' on Ebay I saw this
trail saddle for sale:

I totally agree that just because a saddle has a wide gullet, that it
doesn't gaurantee a good fit on a wide backed 'weegee. I forget who
posted about Wintecs being lousy in this respect, but i also found
Wintecs to be pretty lame in the way they it fit behind the gullet; thru
the middle of the back was too narrow, it still perched. It was the
Isabel Werth model, and I found the seat put me in a wierd position as
well and I sold it immediately.

The idea of synthetic saddles really appleal to me, as i too HATE
spending precious horse time cleaning tack (I only have 1 leather harness
now, all the other harnessses are synthetic!) Dagrun really likes the
Griffin wide backed saddles, and I saw hers and it fits nicely.

I am about to try out a Laser adj tree saddle. It is reputed to fit wide
backed horses well, so I am gonna give it a go as it will be nice to have
a saddle I can use on my WB as well as the fjords. Currently I have a
Hubertus 36 cm all purpose/dressage model that fits the fjords
wonderfully and is a joy to sit in but sits too low on the WB w/ his
higher withers.

OK gotta go ride in the snow - suns out!



Karen McCarthyGreat Basin Fjords :: Carson City, 


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