This message is from: "Lisa Wiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just got in from an interview with channel 8 news here in CT.  They are
doing a piece on rescue horses.  They came to see my Fjiona and Loki.  Fjiona
is my PMU mare.  Loki is her son.  (both pure Fjord)

In true Fjord fashion Loki would not leave the reporter and camera man alone.
His nose is to the camera more than anything.   He also kept trying to get the
camera man to play with him.  Fjiona did what she does best.  Ate cookies and
hay.  That will change soon.  She is going to Briar Hill Farm in two weeks to
learn how to drive and ride.

We will be on TV Thursday night at eleven.  I can hardly wait to see how it
turns out.

Lisa Wiley
Turnabout Portuguese Water Dogs
Connecticut State Director Ponies With Purpose

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