This message is from: Gina Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello all--

I found the recent conversation on "what if"
interesting.  I think that sometimes despite all
precautions accidents can happen.  A month or so ago,
my friends were in their house watching tv when they
heard a ruckus outside.  Their normally very docile tb
stud had broken the chain on the metal gate to his
run-in, travelled 100+ yards across the barnyard,
trampled through 2 strands of hot-wire and was in with
the 3 mares that were turned out in the pasture.  In
the extremely brief time he was in with them, he bred
one of the mares who hadn't shown any signs of heat
since being (intentionally) bred earlier in the
season.  Fortunately no one was hurt!

I once met a fjord breeder a while back who tried to
register one of his fjords.  The DNA didn't match the
stud, so he sent in DNA from his other fjord
stud--that didn't match either.  Turns out it matched
the only non-fjord stud on the farm, and he still
doesn't know how it happened!

Sometimes nature finds a way!

Gina L.
Marinette WI

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