This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 01:43 AM 9/23/2005, you wrote:
This message is from: "Janet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes, that is what I meant, and why I recommend buyers always examine the
papers before buying the horse so the buyer can make sure everything is done
correctly and up to date.

Good advice there for sure.

In this instance I would presume the
granddaughter would have been unable to produce the papers which would have
been a clue that something was amiss.

Probably so.

But in addition to making sure the
papers are up to date, I would suggest a sales agreement that includes
something specific about how the papers are going to be transfered.  Sales
agreements are just simple contracts that state buyer, seller, price,
animals being sold, and conditions of sale, and should include how problems
will be resolved, such as what if the horse fails its post purchase exam?

All good ideas too.

to further the importance of examining the papers... I once bought a
registered TWH mare with reg. papers, well it turned out the mare had been
sold 3 times and not once had the papers been sent back to the registry for
transfer, the seller each time just handed the papers to the buyer, each
time without signing, which is not the correct way to transfer the
registration.  Transfers always require a signature of the owner/seller and
have to be sent to the registry each time to update the records.  I had to
find all of the previous owners and get them to sign the papers.
Fortunately they all did in this case but you cannot always count on that

Unfortunately you wouldn't believe how often this happens. Hard to believe that for a $25 fee they won't bother to get the paperwork in order.

As to the original thread here about the owners not transferring the papers of the horse for whatever reason - what if someone got hurt on the horse or the horse got out & did some damage to someone's property. Would perhaps the person on the papers - the "Owner" be liable? I don't know I am not a lawyer but if it was me I wouldn't want to keep the papers in my name & not have control of the horse.




Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497

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