This message is from: "Vanessa N Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks, this is great!


-------Original Message-------

From: snafflesnshelties
Date: 09/05/05 12:05:23
Subject: Re: Fungus and Betadine Scrub

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

somewhere in my notes... I have written  down the name of something that
can be purchased from garden centers that work on fungus...

I spray the vinegar straight... it changes the ph of the skin and fungus
can not survive in the different ph.
The apple cider vinegar is the best.. however you must notice that there
is a difference in apple cider vinegars. The type from the health food
stores is the best.. it has the 'mother' in it. I have never used it.
Heinz from the grocery stores is the best in a grocery store..
HOWEVER... the small bottle is better than the large bottles.. if you
read the label.. the small bottle says apple cider vinegar and is made
from apples...
the larger bottles often say apple cider flavored..and the indredients
are not apple.. they are grains.

I use the brown listerine and use it straight. Sometimes I mix the
vinegar and listerine in the same bottle. Listerine is an anticeptic.

These are the things I learned about these products over the net. I try
to do as much as I can by myself before calling a vet in. Tends to save
me money and saves the vet some time for other things.

I like to use natural remedies if I can before using drugs or chemicals.


>This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>HI all, I have been a lurker for some time now but the fungus topic is
>interesting to me as we have had a quarter horse with rain rot this year.

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