This message is from: "LYNN BINKOWSKI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks to all for the suggestions for hiding meds. Today's update from the Barn Manager was favorable (though I was not there to witness it and am therefore a little suspicious that it worked as well as she says).

Instead of bringing Trina in to a stall to feed the meds, she brought it out to the paddock mixed with some sweet feed. Apparently, when the other two horses that share her paddock came over to investigate, she said "MINE!" and ate it up quickly. Horsey competition, I guess. I'm not confident this will work everytime, but will keep my fingers crossed.

I did want to try the syringe route (mixing the powder with yogurt or applesauce or something) but for some unknown reason the Barn Manager doesn't want to do that. After the molasses experiment failure, she keeps saying Trina is a "dry girl", let's feed it dry. Since I am not able to be there consistently to administer the meds, I feel I have to let her try what she wants. But it is surely frustrating! And I'm hoping the hot hot weather stays away so Trina can get lots of exercise to work off all this extra chow.

Another note/ farrier (who had been equally baffled by Trina's "Swiss cheese" feet) suggested that I switch from applying a hoof dressing (oil) to a hoof hardener. I've been using Keratex Hoof Hardener for about 2 weeks now, and I do think I see an improvement. Reading the instructions and advertising for this product makes it seem like it should be up on the Space Shuttle ("increases molecular bonds between hoof horn molecules"!) but the nail holes in her feet are staying quite tight and while there are a few shelly and chipping spots still, at 4 weeks out since her last shoeing they are in much better shape than previous intervals. Anyone else had any experience with Keratex? It's not cheap but perhaps worth it.

Keep on wishing me luck,
Lynn and Trina

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