This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is to advise all NFHR members in good standing (ie paid up!) that at the recent annual Board meeting (the 'Face to Face') it was agreed that we need to establish a cross-cutting Communications Committee. The mandate of this newly created group is to consider all aspects of internal and external communications, including the review and updating of the current NFHR website, utilizing the latest advances in technology.

As this topic is now surfacing on this List, I thought I would take advantage of the interest and invite people to volunteer their services to help with one or more of the elements that will make up a Communications Strategy for the NFHR - among the Board and Committees, and to improve communications between the Board/Cttees, with the membership, at large.

I already have one name . Genie, who saw a note in the Herald from last year, noting our intention to upgrade the website. And I have a few other names of people who signalled a willingness to help out last year, when I was looking for help with the COOP Program, and trying to get email correspondence going now that more than half our members are online. I know we will want to canvas the membership for ideas, but the Committee itself needs to be relatively compact, and be task oriented.

Based on my experience with the Advertising Committee last year (EXCELLENT help thank you all!) I am hoping for anywhere from 5-10 members, max .. people who are willing to commit actual hands on time to effecting change, for the better. We particularly need people who are computer and internet savvy.

If NFHR 'communications' are an issue for you, or at least, you have ideas about how we can improve things, for you as members, please feel free to contact me privately. I need to put forward the list of members to the Board for approval (standard process) before the next meeting (mid Feb) .. so the sooner the better, if you'd like to help out.

Thanks in advance for your interest.  : )

Cheryl Beillard
Chair, NFHR Communications Committee
(613) 649-2437

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