This message is from: "Linda Lottie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ever since I have owned fjords.....5 years or so......they begin to shed in early January and start growing their winter coats in Sept after shedding their summer coats in Aug.....every year.....related to hours of light in the day me thinks!!!

Linda Baker Lottie.......MN   snowing lightly and balmy

&gt;From: &quot;Karen McCarthy&quot; &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;
&gt;Subject: Shedding Phenomena
&gt;Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 17:29:43 +0000
&gt;This message is from: &quot;Karen McCarthy&quot; &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;
&gt;Hi all, I haven't the time at the moment (and I really shouldn't be
&gt;reading or posting to the List now, as I am supposed to be at work!), but
&gt;if someone does have the time to research into the List archives to see
&gt;what the dates were every year that folks would start reporting the
&gt;shedding occurance, I think it would be kinda neat. Is there a pattern,
&gt;an average date? Then, if we got really elaborate, we could see how it
&gt;matched up to weather patterns and events...Gee, can you tell I would
&gt;rather be anywhere than work right now??!! Hey Jean E. or Marsha Jo, this
&gt;has your name's written all over it!
&gt;Btw, my outdoor, non-stabled ponies are just starting the shedding thing. &gt;We have had 8&quot;-10&quot; of snow on the ground for over 2.5 weeks now, and over
&gt;the past 8 days, nothing but freezing fog, which creates what the locals
&gt;refer to as poconip, where every physical thing that projects into the
&gt;fog, wire, hair, tree branches, is covered in a delicate covering of fine &gt;ice. Very pretty when the sun rises up behind it, truly a rare event here
&gt;these days. Please send sun someone!
&gt;Btw Ruthie, I am going to go back and read the article you posted re.
&gt;shrinking the gentic pool w/ over-intensive selective breeding. Looks
&gt;very interesting; I am really enjoying all of the posts concerning usage
&gt;of Eval. results, especially Phil's.

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