This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Tamara Rousso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure an answer from Southern California really counts, but 
> Harrison Fjord is shedding out in great clumps.  My daughter took the 
> shedding blade to him yesterday and I'm sure made many birds very happy.

When we lived in California (near San Francisco), my old Fjord mare,
Nansy, would start to shed on December 21.  The 2 geldings usually
waited a couple more weeks, before starting to turn loose of some of
their woolies.  Here in SW Oregon, the boys started shedding out
somewhat later, although Nansy still started losing hair in December.

I just came back from the barn, where I gave the boys the "yank" test
(grab some fur and tug, to see what comes loose)---nothing, yet.

It's a little cooler here than where we were in California, but not
greatly so (winter daytime highs in the 40's vs 50's).  However, the
mid-winter days are noticably shorter.  My guess is that they wait
until the day length is "right" for Norway's spring, then shed.  ;-)

Marsha Jo Hannah                Murphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

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