This message is from: "Les" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You wouldn't want a seat belt. I have seen people make corners way too sharp and fast and flip the cart. Can you see why you would want to be some where but under that cart. Back in November we had a bad Sunday happening . Naturally a horse never has an accident on a weekday during business hours. I was at home watching a football game ( about 2 PM ) when a neighbor's brother came to the door saying " your horse has just had a bad accident ". It seemed that the neighbor had watched this Appy pick up this big piece of black plastic bag ( we had bad winds for days and it must have blown into our pasture ) and it had scared him. He raced around the pasture with it in his mouth with our fjords following him. He then hit the gate breaking the latch, went up this slope and tried to jump our 9 wire New Zealand fence. He broke 3 wires then hit the end of the cattle guard, flipped coming down hard on both front knees. At that point he got up and walked over to my neighbor to say " I need help." When I got there I was very mad at him. He was a mess! He had about 7 cuts, 2 were major. The biggest one was on the top of his right front leg, about 6 inch long oval with a large flap of skin. The other bad one was on the back right and was about 3 inches. He had 3 cuts on the top of his head and both front knees were skinned and bleeding. Now living in the country means few Vets and hard to get, but I called and left a message. Another neighbor came over and we started to treat this horse. I have had horses most of my life but few bad accidents. So I'm not good about what all to have and do. I try to have well, safe horses but that does not help when you have a mess. His knees started to swell and he was going into shock . So I applied ice and gave him 2 grams of bute ( which seemed to help the shock ) with some grain. We cleaned all the wounds and I applied a Depends pad to the big wound. finally the Vet called about 8:30 PM and I told him what we had done. He said it sounded like all that can be done today and he would call at 8 AM to see how it was going. He never did get back to me, but I had another Vet out about 4 PM on Monday. He did some more cleaning ( he liked my Depends dressing but he left it open. The horse healed fine but it is so hard to keep things out of a pasture that horses can get in trouble with. I can feel for you Lisa. Some times I wish horses came with an on off switch.

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