This message is from: "Gail Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Has anyone gotten along the way learned "standards" for analyzing horse
poop?  I saw my vet reach into the back of a horse's mouth who was eating
hay, and pull out half chewed wads of hay....saying "look at this...he needs
his teeth floated."  On occasion she has kicked apart manure piles to see if
the hay looks well-chewed.  However, I did not learn the standard she was
using to view the hay piles.  I have horses with manure that is in loosely
formed balls.  The balls contain hay that is at least 1/4 inch long...maybe
as much as 1/2.  

Has anyone learned how to evaluate horse manure for dental problems?

What was coming out was poorly-formed wads
of half-ground hay, in brown water.

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