This message is from: "Douglas Knutsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all -

Oboy - two brags in one email! His Majesty [sometimes referred to as Erlend]
has just received the NFHR Award of Excellence. What a guy! And to top it all
off, when I went to the MirrorKB website, I discovered that his gorgeous bod
is one of the featured images on their products [he's the grey one...]. I
immediately ordered one of everything! OK, well, really only three items which
happened to be in my impoverished price range. So all you owners of Erlend
wives and kids will want to rush to the web site immediately, I'm sure. No
barn-blindess here. Nope. None at all. Nope, not me.

And no, Fred, my fingers are all well now. It's just my knee that's out at the
moment and I try to avoid typing with it.

Bye for now,
Totally non-barn-blind Peg
[read all about it in the next Herald]

Peg Knutsen

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