This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To teach her to lead you can loop a soft rope around her butt and run it
through the halter and put pressure on that.  release the pressure at the
slightest try, then try again, do the same with the pressure on the halter.
 she'll soon learn how to relieve the pressure rather than pushing into it.
Leading to the side a bit with the halter to displace her feet also helps,
again a bit of pressure, hold steady until she releases the pressure
herself. do small stepas at a time, she wil soon learn.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska

>I could use some advice on how to handle a 5 month old weanling. 
Another little wrinkle is
>that she has NO interest in being led...I can back her, turn her in a
>circle but she plants her feet at going forward.  She won't follow "Uncle
>Icy" while my husband leads him around.  Maybe I'm expecting too much of
>her too soon and I will admit that I'm not a trainer.

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