This message is from: "sandra church" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi-hope everyone's enjoying their fjords in this wonderful fall weather. 
I could use some advice on how to handle a 5 month old weanling. 
Unfortunately, she's not a fjord but I had the opportunity to "adopt" a
PMU foal and she's been here a week.  She's half Belgian & half quarter
horse & is a palomino unless she changes color later.  She's unbelievably
quiet & sweet & obviously had some handling.  Our retired thoroughbred is
her "Uncle Icy" & they have bonded.  Her feet are in horrible shape and I
want to have her cooperate for the farrier next week but she simply
cannot balance on 3 legs.  She will let me pick up her front feet & clean
them but she falls when I try to clean her back feet.  Any suggestions on
how to help her learn to balance herself?   Another little wrinkle is
that she has NO interest in being led...I can back her, turn her in a
circle but she plants her feet at going forward.  She won't follow "Uncle
Icy" while my husband leads him around.  Maybe I'm expecting too much of
her too soon and I will admit that I'm not a trainer.  My plans are to
keep this filly until Averett University's riding program can use
her...they can train her to be ridden or I'll have professional
training done at the right time here at home.  Loki has been very
interested in the new filly.  They are about the same height & her legs
almost match the size of his.  I think she'll grow into a BIG girl...I
personally prefer to ride my 14 hand Loki & leave the big horses to the
hunter/jumper folks around here!  Any suggestions will be welcomed.  It's
been 6 years since we've had a foal on the place & handling/teaching them
from birth was so much easier than this adoption experience but this PMU
filly has been a pleasure so far.  I grew up riding my grandmother's
Belgian work horse bareback every Sunday afternoon in the Smith Mountains
so that may explain why this half Belgian filly is out back right now!  
Thanks-Sandra in Va.  


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