This message is from: "Douglas Knutsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A word of warning to those of you who may possibly have a plague of flies -
horse or otherwise. Since flies in the house tend to congregate near windows,
you may be tempted to hang fly paper strips on your curtain rods. Please be
aware that a cat just might find such a strip, or the not-quite-dead-yet flies
on it, irresistible, with the predictable result. Such a cat, fly paper firmly
attached all over her, also just might panic, pulling the curtain and rod down
with a crash. Then this cat, further panicked by the noise, just might tear
across your bathroom counter, paper still attached, flinging jars and bottles
about willy-nilly and causing a noteworthy escalation in the noise level. Also
breaking stuff.

Should you still have any positive feelings toward this animal and want to
divest her of her new appendage, you will find that getting within reach of
her has become more challenging than usual. Do not get stuck under the bed. Do
not scream invectives or obscenities at her. It will only spur her on to
greater efforts. However, it may make you feel better temporarily.

Also, you could consider the positive side. By the time you do manage to grab
her, she will have cleaned most of the dust balls from under your furniture.
These may be disposed of [in the proper container] along with the flies and
cat hair still attached to the paper. Be sure to wash and use antiseptic on
all new open wounds. Should you wish to dispose of the cat herself, you need
not remove the paper first.

As they say, do not try this at home.

And don't ask how I know all this....

Peg Knutsen

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