This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The other winter I rode pretty extensively with no clipping (here in MI)
with a full coat. when we were done, he was 'dripping' with sweat after some
of our lessons, not all but some, riding in an indoor....and I would put a
cooler (wool) on this would take him quite a while to dry and not
something I would recommend doing. This was during a once a week lesson...
and not EVERYTIME did this happen.....but still, it is a hassle and I would
either recommend riding LIGHTLY where he/she is not going to become
overheated or to clip....... 

I'd also like to say, that I still did keep him blanketed.....may have been
overkill?!  but our first winter here, he lost TONS of weight, and I was
certainly glad I'd had blanketed him and him not have to keep himself that
much warmer thinking how THIN he would have been WITHOUT the blanket (and
that wasn't even a COLD winter---and I made sure that he was not overheated
with it on...not sweating or anything)...and when they are fuzzy it's hard
to tell by just looking at them.   The barn owners I think thought he was
too fat (with the fuzzy hair) and didn't feed him as much, or perhaps the
hay quality wasn't the greatest by then (they are eventers and like that
slab sided look......which by the way, doesn't look good on a Fjord).   But
I got the weight back on him and he looks great.    This year he came
through great, no weight loss at all......with light winter riding,
blanketing......(light weight)... and no clip.  He is an older horse, so I
am trying to take precautions.

I'd recommend a clip on the chest area up the underside of the neck for sure
if even if you don't want to clip so that he can cool-out and dry quicker...
and any other places where you see him sweating alot.   I usually chose not
to clip and know that it will limit me with my riding.....but that is my

(leonard, MI)
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The fjord I'm riding has already put on a heavy coat for winter and
is sweating quite a bit when ridden. While it is still warm, I hose
him off and let him dry which takes a very long time. I 
Genie in Ann Arbor, MI

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