This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/31/2004 11:51:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
I was surprised to hear that any Fjord could be ridden in a medium tree 

Hi Amy:

I think the thing here is that there are SO many different saddle makers out 
there, and so many different types of saddles and trees, that what might be 
considered a "medium" width tree for one manufacturer, might be a wide, or 
wide for another. Individual perception is another part of the equation - 
what I may refer to as a medium tree, might be what you'd call a wide tree.

When I bought my Keiffer saddle, I ordered what was then their "medium" tree. 
It was the size recommended for Warmbloods or QHs. It fits my Fjords 
wonderfully, just as it did my QH & Paints. My western saddle was custom made 
by my 
dad on a tree with what is called "Modified QH bars" for my Paint stallion. 
tree is not quite as wide as the old "Full QH Bars" saddles, but is wider 
than a standard off-the-rack factory saddle. This also fits our Fjords 
wonderfully. But, we do try to keep our Fjords from getting too over weight as 
well. If 
they were 200 lbs overweight, the saddles might not fit so well. ???


Amy Evers
Dun Lookin' Fjords
Redmond, OR

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