This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 11:12 PM 8/30/2004, you wrote:
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Mike,

Do you think that if the NFHR held only one evaluation a year, say smack in
the middle of the country that the amount of Fjords brought would be increased and therefore, more evaluators could attend? Sort of like one of the European


No I don't think so Lynda. That system seems to work on in countries where you can drive from one side to the other in a day. Some people drove over 18 hours to get to the one in La Crosse as it is. If we only had one - say in the middle of the country how many people could really travel that far? Sure the midwest would get there ok but what about the people from Maine, Florida, California, Montana, Vermont, the Carolinas etc? Talk about raising the price? Adding 3 or 4 extra days of travel to the formula makes it even worse than adding $30 per test as far as I am concerned. Transporting horses isn't cheap with todays fuel prices.


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
Mike May, Executive Director & Registrar
PO Box 685
Webster, NY  14580-0685

Voice 585-872-4114
FAX 585-787-0497

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