This message is from: "Marge or Dennis Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Logo changes and etc.

Out of Lurkdom again to offer some support to our BOD members.
 With all the opposing thoughts,suggestions, and complaints, that have been
presented on this list in the last three days, it would be practically
impossible for any Board Member to construct anything to VOTE on, from this
list---so,  why don't all of you, collectively, come up with two things to
vote on. The one is simple, NO CHANGE.
 Now, it appears to me that it should not be difficult for all of you who have
ample time and ideas, to be able to agree on a new Logo, suitable for
presentation to the Board.
 That should be a simple task that all of you can participate in from your
home. When you get it completed, present it to the Board President who will
bring it to the Board for approval. If approved, it can be put to the
membership for a vote.
 What could be more simple.
A second suggestion. You all DO have a method of input to your Board of
Directors. Just pick up your last Fjord Herald, open it to page four. On the
left column, there is a list of all the Board Members, their phone numbers and
email addresses. This information is put there for your information, so you
can know who they are and how to contact them.  Oh yes, then read the
Presidents message on the next page. If you have questions, refer to the
preceding sentence above.
 I must disagree with one comment that was made on the list. Someone mentioned
that corporations were run from the bottom up, not the top down. (Not in any I
worked for or own stock in), not even employee owned companies. It would be an
ideal situation but it just don't happen in real life.
 I personally like the old Logo but it will be interesting to see the
"proposed" new one.
Thanks for listening.

  • [no subject] Marge or Dennis Johnson
    • Re: Carol J. Makosky

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