This message is from: "Debbie Shade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I hope I am not opening a can of worms but I would really like some feed back on this. To breed or not to breed? I am wondering if I should breed my Fjord, Kaya, or not. I bred my non- Fjord this year with the hopes of breeding a future event horse for my daughter. She is studying equine science in college and will train this foal when it is of age to be under saddle and either ride it or sell it if it is not right for the job she has in mind. I will do all of the training of him until he is ready to start under saddle as that is really where my talents lay. Back to Kaya, I don't believe in having a foal just for the sake of having a foal. There needs to be a future for this wonderful foal. As I know the Fjord foal will not be my daughters event horse,(advanced level) I will need to find a home for her/him. I have been told by those in Norway, when I visited, to breed Kaya based on her pedigree and by others based on her temperament and abilities. Physically she is a bit straight in the back but otherwise quite correct. She is 9 and currently doing 1st level dressage, training 2nd level with excellent gaits. Eventing at beginner novice/novice. driving for pleasure, to the store etcetera, and has done Special Olympics. It is time for a change in careers as the person eventing her will no longer be riding her, and she will probably start in a handicapped and able bodied lesson program in the fall. This would also be a potential home for the new foal as I am very commited to the program.Unfortunately I can not get her to an evaluation. If I did breed her I would spend the time and expense to find the proper stallion. I know this is long but any feedback would be appreciated. I will be away from the computer until Tuesday so am looking forward to reading all the discussions then. Thank you in advance for all your input.
Debbie in MA

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