This message is from: "Janne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Renate gave birth to a nice colt on the eve/night of the 9th.  The sire is
Engar.  Colt and mare doing great, but did certainly surprise us by coming a
bit early.  No waxing etc, but all is well.  He is a friendly little colt, and
a brown dun.  Was hoping for a Red dun as Renate had one a few years back, and
it is one of my favorite colors, but totally happy all is well with mom and
son.  Since he was born on our 10th anniversary, we may call him MF Solum from
the church in Norway where we were married.  ooohhh, so sentimental.  :>

On another note, the Rainbow Bridge became a reality for us the same morning
Solum was born, as Maria's pony died.  She had lost a colt by breech on
Tuesday, then Thursday went into severe colic, - either impacted or more
likely a twist.  Was for sure keeping an eye on her after loosing her colt,
looking for problems like founder and uterine infection etc, and of course
colic is a possibility as well, but oh, those things come so quick.  She was
tough as nails this little gal, we fought for her for 2 whole days, doing all
the usual at the clinic, tubing etcetcetc, but she could not pull thru.  So,
one sad little girl here at the farm as she just loved her April.  Fjords are
still to big for her, so we will be looking for another pony soon, when all
heals over.  A new foal and a new kitten helps out a bit.  Good ponies are
hard to come by, and she was quite bonded to this one at her young age.


Janne in sunny and hot ND.

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