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In a message dated 7/4/2004 10:34:39 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
"So I cut her eyelashes off", as my jaw audibly 
dropped I asked why would you do that?!! She stated that it was an old 
Cowboy technique, and it kept the horses from jumping because cutting off 
the eyelashes eliminated their depth perception.

This horse was 
also delivered in an emaciated condition, (body condition of about 3.5 out 
of 10) had never been loaded in a trailer, has never been in a stall and 
has been dewormed with herbal dewormers. The breeder told us the herbal 
dewormers changed the pH of the gut and therefore, eliminated the worms.

** Um, I think you answered your own question here ;-) These folks sound just 
a little wacky! 

/ )_~
Brigid Wasson
SF Bay Area, CA

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