This message is from: "Janet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A couple of thoughts about ticks.  I have noticed we never pick up any ticks
in our sheep pastures.  I'm not possitive why this should be, but one theory
I have is that sheep leave little to no dead grass, which is a habitat for
small rodents that are a host to ticks.  The other possibility is that the
guard dogs keep the deer out of the pasture, which helps prevent bringing in
deer ticks (20% of which which carry lyme and HGE in this area).  Lastly
ticks do not seem to like sheep, thus sheep will not contribute to
perpetuating the tick population.  If I had no sheep, I would clear my horse
pastures of brush and  keep them mowed.

Now a question.. when I go riding out in the state forest, our horses get
loaded with ticks on their legs.  It would seem to me that a body wash would
be a great idea pre and post ride to repell ticks and to wash off the ones
that still jumped on for the ride.  Any ideas what this body wash should

Roberta, where do you find an economical source of Tea tree oil?  I have a
tiny bottle that would maybe work on a chihuahua that cost me $4.


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