This message is from: "Monica Spencer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sher said:

> Also - I have heard that  many police patrol can not read most brands (no
> clue what they "say" specifically) -- so it's been reccommended to me that
a zip
> code (widely recognized!) for the hoof brand in 1/2" letters would be
> So far - am leaning towards this.

Around here it's recommended that people mark high-target property items
with their BC driver's licence number; e.g. "BCDL 123456" ... this is
something that any police officer will recognize instantly, and better yet,
they can run it and get your name and address right away.  As an insurance
adjuster I can assure you that if a thief pulls out your stereo and finds
this engraved across the top of it, it rarely gets taken...  If I were you
I'd call my local police detachment non-emergency number to confirm what
would work best for them - they'd be happy to tell you.

Monica in Nelson, BC

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