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Hello, Karen -

"...Hoof branding is impermanent, lasting only until the hoof grows out 
(usually about a year).  However, it does allow identification of the horse 
imposing a permanent mark or scar...."

Yes, that's what I've heard (6 mth or so) - not permanent as the hoof, of 
course, will out grow it eventually.  So would need to be redone in time.  And 
done by a pro (or someone who *really* knows what they are doing) - so as not 
brand too deep into the hoof wall (into the sensitive white line.)  I went to 
farrier school for a bit - and have found what I learned very helpful!      
;-)      Would not dream of trying to do on my own - would have my farrier 
(very good pro) do it for me.

Also - I have heard that  many police patrol can not read most brands (no 
clue what they "say" specifically) -- so it's been reccommended to me that a 
code (widely recognized!) for the hoof brand in 1/2" letters would be ideal.  
So far - am leaning towards this.

"...Also, Sher, I have the grooming video from NFHR.  If you want to borrow 
it, contact me..."

Thanks, much!  Cheryl was very kind and loaned me her's.  She invited me down 
to watch mane trimming and loaned her copy.  Which I devoured promptly (big 
grin!)   Cheryl showed my a thin and a bushy mane trim with electric clippers - 
I think that will be the best way, for me, for trimming manes (better chance 
of myself doing a better job!)  The folks who produced the video did a good 
job - I think for folks who can not see a mane trimmed in person, this is a 
wonderful help!  

Sher in CO

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