This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just got a message from Dr. Lindsay,head vet for the Ringling Brothers Circus.
Unfortunately it was just a message and I was not able to speak with him. The
two Fjords that were killed by the train in Ohio, were Ivor and Bjorge,
previously owned by Ken Raspotnik in Wi.  They were 1/2 brothers.

Dr. Linsday said it really shook everyone up, it was just devasting to the
group. They were VERY fond of the Fjords and they were doing WONDERFUL in
their act.  He did not say if they would be looking for 2 more or not.

He said he would try and email me later, he has been very busy and things have
been hectic around there lately he said.  Boy, seems like everyone is too busy
in the world lately.

So, that is the update I have on the circus horses, very sad indeed.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

Finally have sun shine and No RAIN!

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