This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Maybe this mare is having some discomfort in her ovaries with the
resumption of estrous cycles in the spring...This might cause her to act up
with a rider who may be unbalanced, "pummuling" her, ets.  Have had the vet
check her out? It may be a pain or discomfort issue.

You could also try her on "Regumate" for a while to see if that made a
difference...Ask your vet about this.

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska,  a cloudy day but still "break-up" going
on..tired of all the muck!   45F degrees

 > One mare in particular was very steady for the riders who had
>little control over their movements.  During one session I saw this mare
>pummeled by the rider but she didn't appear to turn a hair, or an ear, much
>less show any upset or disobedience about what was happening on her back.
>Now that it is spring the staff at the facility is having some problems with
>her with spooking, being jumpy in general and pushy in the sense of getting
>her own way.  
Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

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