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I enjoyed the post re dominant mare - jittery horses,

In my "herd" of 5 horses my mare is the alpha.  I, too, seperate into two 
groups.  Sven and Lena (alpha) do well together....she being the dominent one, 
but, in a kind way.  When she is in with all the horses she not only fusses 
about her space but that of the other fjords. 

I can also put Hasse (son of Lena) in with her and Sven and all is well.  Add 
the QH or the App.....things get crazy.

For a time I had Sven, Hasse and Miss Dottie Lottie (leapord app) at a farm 
nearby.  They often commented that there seemed to be no dominent horse and 
that they all got along beautifully.  

So, to keep everyone calm I seperate. Safer for handlers as well.

Isn't it funny though.....take one of the herd away from the group and the ones 
that can't seem to get along fuss the most:)

Have a great is so da** cold here today I am crazy!  
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay below zero :(

Linda in MN 

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