This message is from: Tamara Rousso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The first week with Harrison has gone splendidly.  He
had his first session leading with me yesterday and I
was quite happy about it.  Now mind you I am a very
NOVICE horseperson and am intimidated easily.  He
tested me just a wee bit, but I stood my ground and
the next thing I knew he was heeling better than most
dogs I've owned.  I was so happy about it.  My 11 year
old daughter has been working with him with clicker
training (or in this case "whistle" training - takes
less coordination on the part of the trainer) and she
had him kissing the cat in about two sessions.  She
said the cat seemed less than thrilled with it, but
Harrison will do anything for a treat.  Today he had
his feet trimmed.  What a difference.  He looks grand.
 All of you who told me not to let that stop me from
buying him were sure right.  He was very well behaved
for the farrier.  I held him on a lead while the
farrier worked on him and that big ol' horse stuck his
head in my chest and nestled in as if to say "just
give me lovin' and I'll be okay".  What a good boy. 
When I told my husband how well Harrison behaved his
response was "It looks like you finally got the horse
you set out to get."   Tomorrow the vet comes to float
his teeth.  I hope that goes well too.  I've only seen
it done once and could barely stand the sound of it. 
I say who can blame a horse for acting up for that. 

And one more thing.  A while back I said I didn't find
the red dun all that pretty.  Well it turns out that
he is getting prettier day by day.  He came from the
high desert where the nighttime lows are often below
freezing.  He had a thick, almost white, winter coat
on.  Here by the coast we hardly ever get below 40
degrees and he is shedding that white hair out
everywhere and getting redder bit by bit.  I believe
he's going to be quite a handsome fella.  (I still
might have to paint some stripes though <g>.  Just


If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least
once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things. Rene Descart

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