This message is from: "Arthur Rivoire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Everybody from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

Arthur and I got back to the farm after four weeks in New England for the
holidays.  Our treasured Stable Manager, Jaimie, stayed on the farm to run
things.  --  The first thing Arthur and I did on arrival was to go out to
the barn and check the horses.  All twenty of them looked great despite the
horrendous cold we've had the past little while.  Next thing was to have a
drink and peruse the post and email.  --  I was delighted to see that the
Fjord Herald had arrived and looked forward to thoroughly reading it when I
climbed into bed.  --  When that time came, I snuggled down in anticipation
of a good read.  Well, since I always devour every word of the Herald, it
took me awhile to reach page 30 and the nice stallion ad from Deep Creek

All of a sudden I whooped with uncontrollable laughter causing my tired
husband to sit bolt upright in bed and demand to know 'what the hell was the
matter'.  --  I managed to control myself long enough to tell him there was
an ad in the Herald for  'Cooled whipped semen' at which point both of us
disolved into tear-streaming laughter.

That has to be a classic typo --    'Cooled whipped semen' . . . Absolutely
wonderful!  I'll never look at Cool Whip, or for that matter, any whipped
topping the same way again.  I doubt I'll ever eat it again.

Happy New Year,

Carol Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7
Pomquet, Nova Scotia B2G 2L4
Tel:(902) 386-2304
Fax:(902) 386-2149
Carole Rivoire, author of THE FJORDHORSE HANDBOOK,
only book in English on the Fjord breed, available from Beaver Dam Farm,
$36.95 US includes P&H

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