This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, all,

My husband Chuck, in his endless search for sleigh bells and Fjord stuff
on eBay, came across a book on eBay that interests us both a lot. I
thought others on this list might like it too.

It is "Hestekjøretøy - Med Hjul og meier på norsk veier". Translation:
Horse-Drawn Carriages - On wheels and runners across Norway. It is
written by Svein Magne Olsen, published 2001.

It is a lovely, large-format hard-cover book with many photos of
historic Norwegian horse-drawn vehicles, traditional harness, and (of
course) Fjord horses.

Here is the current listing on eBay, with many photos of the book
contents. (Note: be patient -- the download takes some time!)

What is really neat about the book is that it is written in Norwegian
with a ~~full~~ English translation throughout, so us non-Norsk speakers
can enjoy the text as well as enjoy the pictures.

Chuck contacted the publisher in Norway who has the book for retail
sale. We are willing to order multiple copies of the book direct from
the publisher if other people are interested in a copy for themselves.

If we get the books before the winter meeting of the Midwest Fjord Horse
Club in late February, Chuck and I could hand deliver the books to
those attending the meeting -- that would save some shipping costs.

Based on my experience with shipping to and from the UK, this
transaction will take some weeks to complete. We need to act promptly
to have any chance of receiving the books in time for the winter meeting.

The book on eBay is currently at $113 plus about $5 for shipping &
insurance. There are less than 2 days left before the auction's end.
Another copy auctioned in late December (item 3575840646) went for a
final bid of $128 plus about $5 US for shipping & insurance.

I don't quite know what the total cost per copy would be yet, but it
would definitely be less than what it's selling for on eBay.

The book itself is about $77 US from the publisher, at the current
exchange rate of about $0.14/NKr, so it's not cheap. Shipping, exchange
fees, etc. will add some to the price.

But these fees will definitely not add another $50 to the price (ie:
the difference between the publisher's price of $77 and the eBay auction
price of $128).

Is anyone on this list seriously interested in purchasing a copy of this
book from us? If so, please email us privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please do NOT send any money at this time -- I want to have this project
more clearly defined and definite before anyone parts with hard-earned cash.

If you have a general question or comment, though, do send it to the
list, and I will reply likewise.

Classic Bells
136 N Lawler St, PO Box 370, Postville IA 52162 USA
Voice: 563-864-3201    Fax: 563-864-7416

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