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The Midwest Fjord Horse Club (MWFHC) now has its website up and running at

For those of you with a sloooowwww internet connection like me, I PROMISE the website will load reasonably quickly for you!

Mike May has kindly added a link on the NFHR website, so if you forget the MWFHC website address, you can still find it via the NFHR website.

Information about the upcoming MWFHC Winter Meeting is now available on the website. Please visit and click on "Events".

The meeting is Friday-Sunday, February 27-29, 2004, in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin. Non-members are welcome to attend. Information available on the website includes an agenda, maps, lodging information, and a printable registration form. This information is the work of the Meeting Committee of Sharon Falck, Sophie Fiedler, Wanda Hase & Patti Walter.

Preliminary information is also on the Events part of the website for the Upper Midwest Fjord Horse Show aka "Blue Earth". The show is Monday-Wednesday, July 26-28, 2004, at the Faribault County Fairground in Blue Earth, Minnesota. I hope to add registration forms, classes, etc. as this information becomes available.

If you have any comments, problems, or questions about the new website or the information contained in it, please send them to me. I am very interested to know how I can make this website as helpful, pleasant, and easy to use as possible.

Postville Iowa USA

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