This message is from: M Korose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi List
I noted with pleasure the email of the lady who now
has Harrison Fjord.  There are other ways to enjoy
Fjords....Get to know a breeder.  We currently have 2
Fjord geldings out on lease.  The "Leasees" pay for
upkeep, shots, worming, shoes, tack, etc.  Our oldest
(18 this year) has done it all, totally trained for
riding, driving and draft and he was just doing a
weekly kid's lesson, as our time was tied up in
training youngsters.  A wonderful "older" lady is
leasing him, enjoying trail riding 5 days per week,
getting a cart to drive him and he is at a public
Horse Park (magnificent really) where she is curator
of the Carriage museum.  he is seen by LOTS of folks
as he is a boarder, there all the time, he has made
tons of new friends and this is great exposure for the
Fjords.  I don't lose my "first" Fjord, we see him and
get to drive the others at this park, win-win.  Our
other gelding is teaching kids lessons at a friends
barn (she has Fjords also) and perhaps one of them
will need a Fjord of her own someday, meanwhile he
gets needed milage (it is a good situation, we know it
well).  So....If you want to know more about Fjords
and don't have one, cultivate a breeder in your
vicinity (most have open invitations out) and see if
something can be done that may or may not lead to
ownership, but will get you your Fjord fix or your
Fjord taste prior to buying.  This can be done at
Rivoire's driving vacation, it seems to be her MO.  We
would love to have a working student someday. 
Alternatives.....something to think about.

Marsha in VA where the temps went from 65 on Sun to
windchill of 5 today!

PS.  We also may have a coming 2 year old go visit a
driving friend, whose son has fallen in love with her
sweet mouthy ways.  horse would get ground driving and
attention and the Mom would find out if this is a
passing phase for son or the real thing.  Win-win!!!!!

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