This message is from: "alan.dauncey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Good Morning Everyone on the Fjord List,

                                                    We hope that you and your
Fjord friends are having a Very Happy Day with lots of treats,  hugs and love
to share.  We also hope that the New Year will bring you all the health and
prosperity to enjoy it.

                        These wishes come with many thanks for all your
combined knowledge and expertise that you share so unstintingly with beginners
like us.   When we bought our boy as a weanling we thought that he was just
another horse/pony,  but both Neon and you have put us right.

                                        Thanks once again,
 Clare,  Alan and Neon,  or if he had his way Neon, Alan and Clare Dauncey (in
Northern France where we have decided that the sun has abandoned the earth and
that the mud will soon be half way up our boots)

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