This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  Constructive criticism, in a positive light, is very acceptable to the
> Board members, plain old nasty criticism is not>>>>>

Dennis Johnson

This phrase, "Constructive criticism," is a paradox...... "criticism" is NOT
a positive... it is a negative.

I don't feel that it's fair that all Listers who expressed a wish for more
promotion be labeled a "critic," or that our expression of those wishes
could be considered "criticism." I expressed my wish for more promotion
positively, I certainly did not have criticism for NFHR BOD in mind! Not at

Just because a person wishes there was more Fjord promotion, and expresses
those wishes, does not in any way mean that they have no sincere
appreciation for those who serve in thankless and sacrificial roles.

It didn't even occur to me that anyone might take exception, I assumed that
if a board member read about my positive wish for promotion, they would be
required by the nature of their office to objectively and subjectively (on
behalf of their membership) make an impersonal assessment of any request,
irregardless of it's delivery!

Regarding all member ideas and suggestions as viable insights into relevant
Fjord concerns is simply a sound business principle!

"Promotion" is a positive word and can only be interpreted to mean well for
the Fjord, therefore it is a valid board issue, and should not be
misconstrued as criticism.

Please, let's not negatively MIX board issues with defensive personal
feelings of UNappreciation

Ruthie, nw mt

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