This message is from: "sandra church" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi-hope all the ill horses are showing improvement.  My 36 yr old pony
developed pneumonia-104 degree fever, respiration of 90+ so I decided to
put her down-called the vet, called the backhoe operator, then by the
time the vet got here, Pacer had perked up & I couldn't do it!  She
recovered & I saw her galloping & bucking across the field yesterday! 
Hopefully, Amy is also mending.Karen, THANK YOU for the info on the wild
cherry tree.  I wish I had a way to test for toxicity level to know when
it'll be safe to let my minis back in their field....that's where the
majority of my neighbor's leaves fall.  I found a perfectly green (small)
branch of wild cherry in their water tub yesterday....just makes me want
to crank up the chain saw but I guess I could be arrested for trespassing
& destroying property!Carol-the information I read about preparing horses
for hurricanes all recommend that horses be in their pastures with
break-away halters & identification rather than in stalls.  But-one horse
in Va. died in its pasture when struck by a falling tree.  Another died
when a Menonnite couple forced their driving horse across a sideless
bridge which was covered by water.  The Menonnites & their horse
drowned.  I'm very thankful that you were spared damage by Juan & that we
survived Isabelle although the new log jumps & water hazard (huge hole
left when a huge oak came up by its roots) are still in my largest
pasture.  I fenced off the hole after remembering the sad story of
Tommes.  Take care everyone....Sandra in very cold Va.


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