This message is from: "little farm/BIG GOD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have tried three times now to be removed from this list, I am not sure
what I need to do.  Could someone please get me off!!
----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 10:24 AM
Subject: Days Creek Evaluation

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi,
> First of all, I want to say thanx to Catherine for putting the Evaluation
> for all of us.  I have put on two of them myself, so having 'been there,
> that', I KNOW how much work it is!
> I swear, Murphy must have moved into one of the bedrooms at Catherine's
> for the duration!  I would have been a basket case, but Catherine just
> with the flow!  First of all, her power went off while she was making
copies of
> schedules, etc.  Then the wells went dry - literally!  It has been very
> here for quite a while.  Guess the spring that feeds the houses and barns
> couldn't keep up with the demand.  Her well down below got emptied what
> all of the baths in the 100 degree temperatures!  They did refill after a
> and we were reminded to please be conservative.
> The 'FIELD OF DREAMS TEAM' included Sue Grantham and her gelding, TRR
> Majson, 9 year old stallion owned by Dan & Carol Tripp of Victor, MT, and
> Johan, my 4 year old gray stallion, who, incidentally, was sired by
> The road to this evaluation had been a very long one for Majson.  Carol
> sent him to a trainer in preparation for the last evaluation in Libby 2
> ago.  Unfortunately, this trainer did not do Majson justice and he was not
> very good condition for the evaluation.  He did not score very well and
> was quite disappointed, to say the least.
> After that evaluation, I wrote to Carol and asked if I could present him
> her at the next one.  I had sold 2 Dusty daughters to Dan & Carol a few
> earlier.  I had put them through the evaluation that I did here in Eugene.
> They both earned their Silver Medallions for Intro. Western and, in fact,
one of
> them (Johan's dam) got a BLUE in Conf.
> Carol agreed to let me do that and sent Majson here last year for several
> month's training in preparation for the Nev. Evaluation.  Needless to say,
> were NOT HAPPY CAMPERS when that got canceled at the last minute!  As a
> matter of fact, neither was I!
> Given that 'history', I didn't think Tripps would even go watch an
> Evaluation, much less participate in one and I sure didn't want to even
approach the
> subject with them!  However, when Catherine decided to put on the Eval. at
> place, Carol decided to give it one more chance.  I was glad because I had
> in Majson and knew that he had what it takes.  BOY, did I put pressure on
> myself to make this happen for them!
> When the dust settled, Majson received a 79 in Conf. (OOOEEE  only 1 point
> away from BLUE - one tiny point!)  He performed a very nice Intro. W. test
> received a blue score and his Silver Medallion.  He scored a red for his
> W. test and also received his Gold Medallion!  OOOOEEE!  Now we had a
> CAMP!!
> Sue Grantham is one of my students and her Thomas lives in my barn.
> is Sue's first horse and they are a great team.  Thomas scored a 78 for
> Conformation and they went on to earn their Silver Medallion for Intro. W.
> DREAMS TEAM was really grinning by then!!
> Last year Catherine sent one of her mares, Lakka, here for training and to
> bred to my gray stallion, Johan.  She didn't think that Lakka had any gray
> her background so we were really surprised when Lakka had a gray colt.
> Catherine called when he was born and was pretty excited!  She sent Lakka
back to
> be rebred and she is in foal again to Johan.  The baby's name is Qvadmann.
> Catherine and I sure did think he was a top notch colt, but then, we
> are always prejudiced!
> It helped to make Catherine's day when Lakka received her BLUE for
> Conformation.  BUT, it REALLY made our day when Qvadmann also received a
> grammas were crying and jumping for joy!!
> Now comes Johan, the daddy horse.  Drum roll when all of the stallions are
> brought in for their awards - butterflies in my belly.  I looked at the
> that held the ribbons - two blue and the rest red.  Funny how BLUE
> becomes your very most favorite color!!  By now, I COVET that BLUE RIBBON!
> seems like an eternity as they begin calling each stallion.  I hate it
when they
> leave me until the end!!  By now, there are two stallions left and one
> ribbon left on the card??  UH OH?  What's that about?  Did they dislike
Johan so
> much that he doesn't even get a ribbon?  One's mind plays funny games
> sometimes.  Johan's number is called.  I bring him forward and set him up,
> hopeful and scared at the same time.  Wayne begins his dialog and the
comments are
> quite good.  THEN, he finally announces his score - YESSSS - BLUE!!  The
> remaining stallion owned by Peggy Enge also got a BLUE, but they were out
> ribbons.  I couldn't wait to get out of that arena so I could jump up and
down and be
> silly!!  WOW!!
> After we got outside, the entire FIELD OF DREAMS TEAM and Catherine hugged
> and cried like a bunch of kids!!
> I believe this is the first time ever that 3 generations have been shown
> together at the same evaluation.  Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I guess!
> tally was high red(79) for Father (Majson), Blue for Son (Johan), and Blue
> Holy Ghost (Qvadmann).  All of us love our horses and think they are the
> but as a breeder, when we get validation of our breeding program like
this, it
> indeed confirms that we are on the right track!  It felt sooo good!
> When it was over, we were all absolutely bone weary, but basked in the
> afterglow with a sense of satisfaction.  We had achieved or surpassed each
goal we
> had set for ourselves.  It was worth the effort!
> Now it is time to get back to the real world and back to normal, if there
> such a thing.
> Thanx again for the hard work Catherine!
> Until Next Time,
> Gayle Ware
> Field of Dreams
> Eugene, OR

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