This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It's very gratifying to see the many, many comments on appropriate performance
attire and trappings; pros and cons.. some good points made.

How I wish that all of you who wrote to me off-list would write ON-list and
give this issue some weighty public balance. Your supportive posts are an
overriding indication that there is a groundswell for freedom in the ring and
a revolution against English anarchy in show trappings.

Before I go on, let me say that I speak for myself alone and in no way do I
want to be a reproach to Libby or the regional promotional club, just because
of my proximity which is irrelevant. In fact, they could be writing a
disclaimer about now =)))

What do I want? equal opportunity for all Fjord lovers everywhere! political
correctness for the expression of western culture! (if you will =)) Cynthia,
we (I do speak for many) do not want cheap Good Will rags so we can pretend
we're somebody we're not. If you gave them to us, we wouldn't wear them! Why?
Because we feel ridiculous in English second-hand polyester costumry! Some
folks don't mind, some do.

This all started because I resent the current pressure to mandate specifics
for western Fjord lovers... cut the goat hairs, skin the ears, buff the
toes... *POP* no, wait, that was the horse! =))) Well, you know what I mean.

If we in the west conform to a dictatorship of "hoity-toity" ring standards in
order to attract eastern entrants, we are then going to lose some western
entrants, and that's a fact! If ever there is a year when eastern interests
don't come in... what will be left of our show here without solid regional
participation? I know of a few case histories where just such a thing has
happened. Mind you, we love to see the proper outfits perform.. We're not
asking you to change, so please don't ask us to.
Why can't we just all do our own thing...? after all, no one is asking to do
anything unsafe, or unclean, and no one wants to be sloppy! Just judge the

How best might we promote the Fjord Horse?
(our common interest)

By encouraging Fjord newbies with an open and uncritical acceptance of their
presentation. Some of which may not yet have the wherewithal or experience to
put on airs; young folks, families.

Multiple restrictions, requirements, and blatant criticisms, is DISCOURAGING,
NOT PROMOTIONAL, to people entering the Fjord world, as folks are just
naturally not attracted to snobbery.

Ruthie, nw mt

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