This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Brigid.... since your reply to my "welcome" letter was published on the
list, and not directed to myself, I will likewise respond.. just in case
there's someone still wondering what a Fila Mastiff is. It's a very large
Brazilian dog, a wonderful dog, but not for everyone.

Regarding the advice for first time Fjord owners.. I am somewhat timorous
as occasionally list members are kicked in their participating shins when
they're sipping cyber coffee 'round the illusionary kitchen table.

But what the hey! here it is.. it's like buying a car... shop around, learn
all you can about the product, talk to consumers, take your time, and try
before you buy! Oh yes, don't forget your seatbelt.. I mean helmet. :o)
Seriously, I would be happy to share my perspectives for what they're
worth, off the list.

My best wishes for you and your new Fjord Brigid.

Ruthie Bushnell, NW MT

>Hi Ruthie-
 What does a Fila Mastiff look like?
>Any "first horse" advice out there? 

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