This message is from: Sessoms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dave McWethy wrote:

> Speaking of war, can someone explain to me what's going on in Yugoslavia?
> It's beyond me to figure how bombing will accomplish anything other than
> confuse them for a time.  It's not a whole lot different from the mothers we
> see in the grocery store, hitting their kid to punish it for hitting some
> other kid.  They can't exactly claim, "Bombing worked in Iraq, so we'll use
> it in Yugoslavia."  Looks to me like they've run out of good ideas and had a
> tantrum instead.  'Course, I could be wrong, and would be pleased to learn
> that.

Dave ... The unfortunate thing about any military action is that we'll never
know the results of our actions until they come about.  I don't know if I agree
or disagree with bombing Kosovo.  I thought Reagan was trigger happy, Clinton
may have beat all records of military use in 'peace time'.  I think the idea is
to render them incapable of mass murder by blasting their military machines.  I
think I would definately oppose troops on the ground.  Perhaps they should arm
the weaker folks who want peace and their homes back.

And these days it's much more common to see a youngster screaming at Grandma to
shut-up and hitting her in the grocery store than it is to see someone turning a
brat over their knee.

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