This message is from: "Philis Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello List and Joel,
I just returned from Duluth.  I played a pops concert with Doc Severinson
and the Duluth Symphony tonight.  Here I am checking my Fjord-List e-mail,
and I'm ready to drive two hours back to Duluth to see if "Doc" would play
another encore after reading all this "kitchen table" prattle.  Instead I'll
answer Joel Harman's questions.
1.  I choose to train my own horses.  It's a rewarding challenge.
2.  I have lunged on line more than off.
3.  I keep my horses shod, and I used to shoe my own until I developed mild
carpal tunnel  (not good for oboe performing).
4.  I have hauled horses loose.
5.  I have hauled a horse backward (he turned on his own)
6.  There is air so that we might breathe and so I can take a big breath
      and blow my oboe!
Good nite one and all and "Happy Trails"
Philis Anderson

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