This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Nancy!

We are moving outside of Fremont.  The guard actually a
nice animal, a little aloof, but that is a tendency of that breed.  There are
also fallow deer on the property which the sellers are leaving.  I have yet to
decide what to do with them.  Possibly raise them for food, I am considering. 

The dog has been taught to guard the perimeter fencing, and does not allow
anyone on the property.  He has had experience with horses, not to herd, but
to watch over.  My reasoning was because of hunting season, and with both
horses and deer on the property, this may be a good idea.  I know when we
lived in the upper peninsula hunting season was a NIGHTMARE.  I could not even
let my boxer outside to play.  Someone actually shot at him thinking he was a

Thanks for your advice!

Lynda from Texas, where it actually was chilly yesterday, and I woke up to 30
degrees AND fog!!  

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