This message is from: saskia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A little incrowd-mail for those who are puzzled by questions like:

>>Susan in balmy (13 degrees!) Minnesota.
is it spring already in Minnesota then?

>It's supposed to hit the 20's tomorrow!!
whow, that's summer! or not?

>We are at I think +1 right now.
hm, Mike just stopped freezin'!

I found a little list in my dictionary:

Fahrenheit                    Celsius
----------                    --------
212° _________________________ 100° (boiling point)
104°___________________________ 40°
95°____________________________ 35°
77°____________________________ 25°
68°____________________________ 20°
59°____________________________ 14°
50°____________________________ 10°
41°____________________________ 5°
32°____________________________ 0°
23°____________________________ - 5°

To calculate Fahrenheit to Celsius: 5/9 (°F - 32)
The inverse: (9/5°C) + 32

I hope this helps someone... I have it next to my computer from now on!

Happy Fjording!

Saskia who in wet and muddy Belgium (about 5° C - 41 ° F) suddenly realizes 
that you are all very cold!!! except for our PAV's Lisa and Jackie! :-)

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