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We are in Minnesota so are getting the same cold snap as you are.  I used to
bring our Fjord in when it hit about 5-10 degrees above 0, then I started
hearing from Jean in Alaska and started getting braver, first -5, then -10,
--- now we almost always leave him out, even when it gets to be -25 wind
chills, however, tonight it's supposed to be -20 and who knows what wind
chills so we brought him in.  No matter what the temperature, we have never
seen him shiver (like our Qtr. Horses), and he seems happy to be out in it
(unlike ourselves!).  I always give him extra hay in his feeder before we go
to  bed to help him keep his "furnace" going and to give him something to do,
since he's out there by himself at night.  

Susan in frigid MN  (OK, Beth, stop rubbing our noses in your warm temps!! Ha

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