This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (BRIAN C JACOBSEN)

Thanks to all the computer people for your input on the Y2K problem.  I
wonder, though, if your expertise in your respective areas of computers
is blinding you to the real problem.  This is a people problem, not a
computer problem.  You have all the faith in the world in computers
because you know they only do what they are programmed to do, and they
rarely ever mess up.  You are exactly right.  But the real problem here
is with people.  Apathy because the economy and life in general here in
the US is so good will lead to widespread inactivity and unpreparedness. 
Insecurity on the part of business owners/leaders whose companies are
unprepared will tempt them to be deceptive about how ready they really
are and lull people into a false sense of security.  The government's
unresponsiveness to the people and lack of any competition like private
business have will result will result in a slow and generally inadequate
response.  The easy life in this country has dulled us, and the  American
spirit is not as strong as it used to be.  This country at one time could
have easily mobilized to conquer a problem like this, but now we are a
country of a thousand different interests with everyone looking out for
themselves and leaders who can't agree on anything.

Am I really the pessimist I just sounded like?  No, but I am a realist. 
And I am not so sure we will not have any trouble.

Brian Jacobsen, DVM

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