This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)

Hello there -  From Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia where
the grass is the deepest emerald green and still growing.  And no, we've
not had snow yet.  Starting  mid September, people ask  if we've got snow
yet.  The reason we don't is that the relatively shallow waters of the Gulf
of St. Lawrence which empty into our Northumberland Strait waters, and then
into St. George's Bay, are (according to the bureau of tourism) the warmest
this side of the Carolinas.  Some of the tourism people go so far as to
say, "this side of Florida," but I think that's stretching it.  Anyway,
that warm water keeps the air and land warm right through November.
Believe it or not, I've seen petunias and geraniums blooming in Halifax on
December 15th.  All our horses are still on grass and getting no other
food, and they're very plump.  

Well, on to horse stuff --  I was absolutely delighted to hear that Ingrid
Ivic will have two foals from BDF Malcom Locke.  Malcom is a full brother
to BDF Kanada King, and while King looks just like his sire, Gjest, I
always thought that Malcom looks like his gorgeous dam, Stine.  He has her
head.  Those of you who have my new book, THE FJORDHORSE HANDBOOK, will
remember beautiful Stine on the cover. I was very happy to hear Ingrid's
assessment of Malcom's spectacular trot. Rellieved, as well as happy,
considering his history. Some of you may not know that this is the colt
(well, now  a three year old stallion) that was stepped on as a
two-week-old baby, and suffered a badly broken hind leg.  Malcom and his
dam, Stine, spent 2 1/2 months in hospital on Prince Edward Island (a
magnificent, hi-tech facility).  Malcom had three surgeries, and the first
one was the longest surgery on any species in the history of the hospital.
Everyone in that hospital became a Malcom fan.  None of them had seen any
animal go through what that little guy did, and maintain his spirit and
zest through it all.  He affected everyone he came in contact with --  the
vets, the surgeons, and all the staff.  They said no matter his condition
and pain, he never failed to get to his feet when anyone passed his stall.
They still talk about him, and always ask for him whenever we're there with
a horse.  So, although I tallk with  his owner, Nancy Roemer, from time to
time, you can understand how delighted I am to hear about Malcom from an
outside source. Congraulations, Ingrid.  How very lucky you are to live
near enough to breed to Malcom.  --- 

We named this colt, BDF Malcom Locke, to honor a dear friend of ours from
New Hampshire.  Malcom Locke, the man, is a legend.  He's a big, big man in
all ways.  He was a sheriff, a farmer, a builder, a professional boxer, a
poet, a hunter and trapper, and cookbook author.  As a trapper, Malcom
broke world records, and was written up in newspapers from Concord, N.H. to
Moscow.  He wrote books on trapping and did a lecture series.  Malcom was
New Hampshire farmer.  He grew the finest corn in the state.  He was such a
special man that a famous portrait artist who had done Eleanor Roosevelt
and many others sought him out to paint.  Malcom is a real man. He grew up
with horses, and used them most of his working life.  Along with all the
other things Malcom did well, he was always a great lover of women.  By
that I mean that this man truly liked and appreciated women and sought
their company.  ---  I think the horse, BDF Malcom Locke, is well named and
has a lot to live up to.  We're extremely proud to have produced this
beautiful Fjord stallion at Beaver Dam Farm, and very pleased that he's in
Nancy Roemer's capable hands.  TOOT, TOOT, TOOT for all concerned!

Note re Fluorescent Leg Wraps for Hunting Season -  I DO NOT wrap legs with
this fleece.  I tie it around their bellies.  Wrapping legs for lengthy
turnouts wouldn't be a good idea.


RODIJKA - 2 yr. filly - Sired by KONGGARD out of imported mare.    This is
your perfect family horse!  I hate to toss around the word, "Bombproof,"
but Rodijka fits the bill. Nothing rattles her.  She's very confident and
self assured, which is what I like to see.  It means a NO PROBLEM horse.
She's a good size.  Will mature 14 hands.  Maybe taller.  I like very much
the fact that this filly has good withers to hold a saddle in place.  She
has a nice, forward, fluid trot. She's been a JOY TO TRAIN.  She's gone
through our intensive pre-driving training (ground driving, pulling a tire,
in poles) and is now driving very well down the road.  She's been backed by
a 98 lb. girl.  Understands the bit, stopping, standing, walk, trot,
turning.  Ready for some real work in the Spring as a 3 yr. old. She clips,
cross-ties, stands in straight stall.  She has wonderful manners.   --
This quality filly is selling at a REMARKABLE PRICE, and with a FREE
BREEDING to the wonderful stallion, LLA Hilmar, who has sired Woodstock and
Libby winners.  A. I. is offered with this breeding.   Are you ready for
the price?  You won't believe it!  And if she's not sold by our deadline of
December 1st, the price will go up substantially.  She's a real buy at $6800. 

Best Regards,  Carol Rivoire    
Carol and Arthur Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7 Pomquet
Antigonish County
Nova Scotia
B2G 2L4
902 386 2304

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