This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey all,  been lurking a long time, but  Carol's (and others') comments on
promoting the breed caught my interest and I felt I needed to offer my humble
I raise, train, and show Miniature Horses. I have been involved with the local
Club here for 7 years, five of which I have been their Newsletter Editor and
Publicity Chairperson.  When I first took on the job, the club had little
funding to help "spread the word" about the Miniature Horse and our club. So I
had to become very inventive and conservative with spendings.
What we have found over the years to be a very good way to show off the
Miniatures at little or almost no cost... is to enter "all-breed" stallion
parades, or exhibits at County and State Fairs... and Horse Expositions
usually offer a demonstration time to get out in front of an audience and show
what you can do with that particular breed of horse, and the announcer reads a
written script you hand in. It can include history of the breed or just an
explanation of what you are doing with the horses. Most of our horse expos
give about 15 minutes per breed, and if it lasts more than one day, you get to
do it each day. These usually charge a minimal fee for stall and booth space
but is well worth it.
I know that Idaho (I live in Utah) has one coming up in Boise in February...
And the Eastern Idaho State Fair ( Blackfoot) offers this type of exposure
plus many driving classes and exhibitions each Labor Day (full week)
Local parades and horse shows are certainly something almost every Fjord owner
can attend and "show off" their Fjord inexpensively. It takes a lot of
individual work as well as group participation. It is absolutely a "rush" to
go to an open show and win a Halter, Showmanship or performance class with
your Fjord and always they draw attention and questions.
Most local horse-related publications welcome stories and photos from ALL
breeds. and some just love the more exotic, unique equines. Start making some
phone calls and asking around. I send in articles to two or three papers every
couple of months , giving them our upcoming schedule of events, results of
shows etc, and cute photos to go with if just in case they have room.  Just
some ideas....   Luwana   Day [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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